As from end of March, 2013
- We identify 38 Vietnamese listed companies in the HOSE and HNX Stock Exchanges which are managed by female CEO.
- This figures (38/726 companies, i.e. 5.23%) places Vietnam in the top countries having the highest percentage of Women CEO: less 5% of CEO of S&P 500 are women.
- The total capitalization of these 38 companies represents more than USD 10 billion, or 26% of the total market capitalization of the 2 Vietnamese stock exchanges.
- Large caps: 8 of these 38 companies are large caps, i.e. 21% of the sample which is higher than the ratio of 7% for the whole universe.
- Consumer Goods, and Financials are the most representative sectors. Their weights are almost double compared to the universe
- Banks, Oil & Gas and Utilities sectors are not represented
The WOMEN CEO Index is designed following international standard, and launched on 2013-07-31
- Base Value and Date: 1,000 at 2008-12-31
- Review: Quarter
- Full set of indexes: All-Shares and Tradable, Equally/Capitalisation/FreeFloat Capitalisation weighting, Prices/Total Return, in different currencies (VND, USD, EUR, JPY)
IFRC Women CEO Vietnam Indexes Series
- IFRC VNX Women CEO index: All-Shares index, Quarterly Review, Full Capitalisation weighted
- IFRC VNX Women CEO Equal Weighted index: All-Shares index, Quarterly Review, Equally-weighted
- IFRC VNX Top 10 Women CEO: Tradable index, Top 10 Largest Free Float Capitalisation and Most Liquid
- IFRC VNX Top 25 Women CEO: Tradable index, Top 25 Largest Free Float Capitalisation and Most Liquid