*TRAN THI THANH HUONG, Academic Department of Economics,Universidad del Pacífico, Lima, Peru (beltran_acl@up.edu.pe).
The dissertation studies the relationship between women’s leadership and a company’s performance with evidence from Vietnamese-listed companies. Women leadership is assessed by the percentage of women on the board of directors and their number. Theories suggested that gender diversity in the boardroom improves strategic decisionmaking, creativity, innovations, and hence financial success. And boards with a number of women members large enough may modify the overall working style, hence altering the boardroom’s dynamics. In general, this research assumes that the proportion of women on the board of directors is positively correlated with the company’s performance which is measured as return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE), and Tobin’s Q. And the board of directors with 3 or more women directors will positively influence the company’s performance. A cross-sectional empirical analysis investigates the 618 Vietnamese companies listed on Hochiminh Stock Exchange (HOSE) and Hanoi Stock Exchange (HNX) in the year 2019. The dissertation demonstrated that there exists a significant positive relationship between the proportion of women on the Board of Directors and the company’s performance. And the Board of Directors with at least three women positively influences the company’s performance. This empirical analysis helps make sense of inconclusive earlier studies and provides policymakers and company managers with theoretical and practical implications.
Keywords: Women leadership, Company’s performance, Board of directors
Read more: https://repository.vnu.edu.vn/bitstream/VNU_123/142626/1/00051000734.pdf